About Me
Hi, my name is Carlos, I’m a Backend Developer, I work as a contractor with Go and Python, but I have also used other languages such JavaScript, TypeScript or whatever the client requires.
I’m not here to publish yet another “hello world in golang” or “how did I created a web page and published in vercel”, there is already plenty of that on the Internet. No, what I want to do here, instead, is write about my experiments and projects, stuff that might not appear in the front page of hacker-news or any popular subreddit. Also, don’t expect to read about web development only, there will be some content of that sort, but I will focus more on low-level projects and ideas, like programming-language-programming, OS development, graphics engine programming and so on.
Even though is not my objective, you might find something helpful or inspiring for your projects, if that is case, comment or reach me at bananita.dev at gmail.com, I will be glad to discuss about the content of this blog or any other topic in general.
An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity - Terry A. Davis.
Carlos M.